

Kaolin is a kind of non-metallic mineral, is a kind of kaolinite clay minerals consisting mainly of clay and claystone. But because of the delicate white, also known as dolomite. Its pure quality kaolin was white and delicate, soft and earthy, with good plasticity and other physical and chemical properties and fire resistance. Its mineral composition is mainly composed of kaolinite, halloysite, water mica, illite, montmorillonite and quartz, feldspar and other minerals. Kaolin wide range of uses, mainly used in papermaking, ceramics and refractories, secondly to paint, rubber filler, enamel glazes and white cement raw materials, a small amount used in plastics, paints, pigments, grinding wheel, pencil, cosmetics, soaps, pesticides, pharmaceuticals, textiles, petroleum, chemicals, building materials, defense and other industrial sectors.

Hebei Leijie Trade Co.,LTD.

Contact person: David Li
Tel:+86 311 80688059
    +86 311 80688096
Fax:+86 311 85860858


