
The benefit of vermiculite for raising meat-plants

Vermiculite as succulents nutrition soil is deeply loved by the flesh friend. Generally speaking,vermiculite has two main uses in meat-plants cultivation.  One is used to take root, the other is used for soil distribution.
1, Use vermiculite rooting
Vermiculite can hold a good growing conditions of humidity because of its strong water retention and permeability. It can induce germination of the seed or rooting of the plant. So leaf insert or seeding will usually dope a certain percentage of vermiculite. There also some plants are using pure vermiculite to root. Rooting of rose, geranium and other cuttings can also use pure vermiculite.

2, Vermiculite for soil distribution

Vermiculite itself has little nutrients, but its water retention is good. Some meat-plants lovers like to mix vermiculite in the soil. For the pros and cons, meat-plants lovers also have their own views. Some lovers add too much vermiculite, resulting in the large water content in soil and rotten roots.
Of course, it doesn't mean that vermiculite can not be put in media. In general, 10 pieces of soil put one piece vermiculite in it, that is, the proportion controlled at 10: 1. Of course, the vermiculite can be less. Sometimes it is not absolute. Some areas require good water retention, vermiculite is very suitable. But some areas do not need good water retention medium, if now using vermicu

Hebei Leijie Trade Co.,LTD.

Contact person: David Li
Tel:+86 311 80688059
    +86 311 80688096
Fax:+86 311 85860858


Artificial colors of sand

Artificial colors of sand is the color selection of quartz sand processing through multi-channel processes rounded, rounded particles after chemical treatment and then by high temperature sintering. Artificial sand make up the color of natural sand color is not bright color and less variety and other shortcomings, solid color, durable. Granule color multi-stage filter, in order to ensure uniform grading, packing density increases, anti-stress.
1, a variety of particle size uniform, rounded particles, can be arbitrarily graded
2, rich colors, beautiful lasting.
3, with a variety of resins and insoluble.
1, roundness: round-shaped particles of 6%, 4% shaped particles
2, hardness: Mineral Mohs hardness: 6.5 to 7.0
3, specific gravity: true specific gravity: 2650 kg / m3; bulk specific gravity: 1524 ~ 1588 kg / m3
4, cleanliness: impurities ≤1%
5, porosity: ≤23.8%
6, Acid: 10% HCl solution soak 8 hours, no change in color
7, Alkali resistance: 10% NaOH solution soak 8 hours, no change in color
8, resistance to chemical solvents: xylene solution soak for 24 hours, no change in color
9, hot water resistance: 90 ℃ hot water soak 8 hours, no change in color
Artificial colors of sand is mainly used for various types of color epoxy floor, lacquer, all kinds of architectural coatings, sandstone plate, ABS modified felt, waterproofing membrane, handicrafts and so on, it colorful, weather resistance, wear acid base, non-slip, seamless, high-grade appearance.

Hebei Leijie Trade Co.,LTD.

Contact person: David Li
Tel:+86 311 80688059
    +86 311 80688096
Fax:+86 311 85860858


Influence of sepiolite fiber on insulation materials properties

Fire engineering often add a lot of additives to improve the insulation materials properties, to improve the construction and use quality of insulation material. Sepiolite fiber is a commonly used additive.
A small amount of sepiolite fiber has little effect on the thermal conductivity. The thermal conductivity without sepiolite fiber is 0.078 W/MK. When the content of sepiolite fiber is 6%, the thermal conductivity increases to 0.079 W/MK. But when the content is more than 6%, the thermal conductivity increases more. This is because the sepiolite fiber content is too large, the fresh slurry fluidity decreases too much, resulting in glass beads in the mixing process easily broken, so that the volume of inorganic insulation mortar shrinkage, closed voids reduce , thereby increasing the Thermal Conductivity.
Compressive and flexural strength and  bond strength of insulation materials all increased with the increasing of sepiolite fiber content. And the strengthening effect of sepiolite fiber on flexural strength and bond strength is better than compressive strength. When the content of sepiolite fiber is 2%, the flexural strength increases by 33.9%, the bond strength increases by 9.1%, and the compressive strength increases by only 2.9%. hen the content is 6%, the flexural strength increases 62.3% and the compressive strength increases 18.2%. This is because that sepiolite fibers can be scattered in the clutter of insulation materials, playing as a "skeleton" support, increase the compressive strength of insulation materials and bond strength. The addition of fiber is particularly effective in bending and bonding strength, which can significantly improve the anti-cracking properties of insulation materials. 
In the construction, In the construction, the number of additives is small but the impact on the material is significant. the use of appropriate additives to improve the quality of construction can achieve a multiplier effect.
Hebei Leijie Trade Co.,LTD.

Contact person: David Li
Tel:+86 311 80688059
    +86 311 80688096
Fax:+86 311 85860858

What is Kaolin?

Kaolin also called china clay, soft white clay that is an essential ingredient in the manufacture of china and percelain and is widely used in the making of paper, rubber, paint, and many other products. Kaolin is named after the hill in China (Kao-ling) from which it was mined for centuries. Samples of kaolin were first sent to Europe by a French Jesuit missionary around 1700 as examples of the materials used by the Chinese in the manufacture of porcelain.

Hebei Leijie Trade Co.,LTD.

Contact person: David Li
Tel:+86 311 80688059
    +86 311 80688096
Fax:+86 311 85860858